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Share the Inner Space - Jordan Lewis

Share the Inner Space (2013) is written for solo udu drum with percussion accompaniment. The percussion part calls for ankle bells, caxixi, and finger cymbals.  

Jordan Lewis, Udu Drum

Christopher Vennel, Percussion

live recording from Jordan Lewis Gradaute Recital | 
April 10, 2016 | NAU School of Music  |  Ardrey Memorial Auditorium

Jordan Lewis and Phoebe Hughes, marimba


No Parking Anytime was composed in 2009 for Amphion Percussion, the percussion duo collaboration of Peter Zlotnick and Sean Connors. 


“As the title suggests, this short frenetic marimba solo doesn't take much time to reflect on anything, and the rapidly changing sections of virtuosic playing certainly do not allow the players to "park" themselves for even a moment.  It remained title-less until my car containing the broken down components of a marimba was towed after a long recording session with Amphion. We had parked under a sign that read, you guessed it, "No Parking Anytime."   The phrase itself seems to reflect the non-stop pace of modern life and this piece certainly feels that way when you perform it!”

               -Sean Connors, composer

live recording from the SOUNDS new music concert | 
May 1st, 2016 | NAU School of Music

Jordan Lewis, vibraphone

"It has become clear to me recently that noise — both as sonic phenomena as much as an act of revolt — is one the most important potential sonic materials to exist, and therefore to explore as a composer, as it actively resists being a musical material – resists being music. This makes attempting to organize it a highly volatile act as it is anarchic in nature. It cannot be a vehicle for expression as it self-refexively refuses to mean anything other than what it is. The most that noise can signify is itself. This work explicitly deals with and struggles with this materialistic issue and explores the potentialities of noise in the discourse of a performance. I am dealing with noise as sounds, but also noise as actions and implications for what music is, should, or could be. Embracing and looking into the contradiction of noise music."

               -Owen Davis, composer

© 2024 by Jordan Lewis. 

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